Home / hot-sale / Professional Hydraulic Brake and Clutch Pressure Bleeding System, Integrated Safety and Pressure Relief Valve, 7 Master Cylinder Adapters and Storage Case
  • Professional Hydraulic Brake and Clutch Pressure Bleeding System, Integrated Safety and Pressure Relief Valve, 7 Master Cylinder Adapters and Storage Case
  • Professional Hydraulic Brake and Clutch Pressure Bleeding System, Integrated Safety and Pressure Relief Valve, 7 Master Cylinder Adapters and Storage Case
  • Professional Hydraulic Brake and Clutch Pressure Bleeding System, Integrated Safety and Pressure Relief Valve, 7 Master Cylinder Adapters and Storage Case
  • Professional Hydraulic Brake and Clutch Pressure Bleeding System, Integrated Safety and Pressure Relief Valve, 7 Master Cylinder Adapters and Storage Case
  • Professional Hydraulic Brake and Clutch Pressure Bleeding System, Integrated Safety and Pressure Relief Valve, 7 Master Cylinder Adapters and Storage Case
  • Professional Hydraulic Brake and Clutch Pressure Bleeding System, Integrated Safety and Pressure Relief Valve, 7 Master Cylinder Adapters and Storage Case
  • Professional Hydraulic Brake and Clutch Pressure Bleeding System, Integrated Safety and Pressure Relief Valve, 7 Master Cylinder Adapters and Storage Case
  • Professional Hydraulic Brake and Clutch Pressure Bleeding System, Integrated Safety and Pressure Relief Valve, 7 Master Cylinder Adapters and Storage Case
  • Professional Hydraulic Brake and Clutch Pressure Bleeding System, Integrated Safety and Pressure Relief Valve, 7 Master Cylinder Adapters and Storage Case

Professional Hydraulic Brake and Clutch Pressure Bleeding System, Integrated Safety and Pressure Relief Valve, 7 Master Cylinder Adapters and Storage Case

  • Detail
    • Fluid is dispensed under pressure down through the master cylinder. while air and old fluid are expelled through the bleed screw(s)
    • Integrated manual pump adds air above the fluid level to prevent aeration
    • Internal pump components are sealed against exposure to fluids
    • Integrated safety and manual pressure relief valve
    • Includes seven master cylinder adapters (with storage case) to connect to most American. Asian and European cars and light trucks



    MV6840. vacuum brake bleeding. bleeder. bleeding. air-operated bleeding. clutch bleeding. job tool MV6840. vacuum brake bleeding. bleeder. bleeding. air-operated bleeding. clutch. job tool

    Mityvac MV6840 Hydraulic Brake and Clutch Pressure Bleeding System

    The MV6840 forces new brake fluid down through the master cylinder. while air and old fluid are expelled through the bleed screw(s).


    Additional Information

    Mityvac is a brand of automotive diagnostic and service repair tools since 1971. Beginning with the design and patent of a single hand-held vacuum pump intended for medical applications. its uses broadened to include automotive diagnostics and service as well as industrial and consumer applications.

    Model MV6840 is a professional hydraulic brake and clutch bleeding system that includes a fluid dispenser with manual pump (MV6400) and a kit containing seven master cylinder adapters (MVA6850). It forces new brake fluid down through the master cylinder. while air and old fluid are expelled through the bleed screw(s). A pressure gauge on the dispenser allows control of the system pressure. and the pressurized reservoir allows the operator hands-free movement to the bleed screws.

    Mityvac offers the products and systems you need for any brake and clutch bleeding application. air induction cleaning and compression testing. cooling system evacuation or refill application. for fluid handling and diagnostic applications.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: Will this work with my vehicle?

    A: Consult your vehicles service documentation regarding recommended bleeding procedure. The model MV6840 is intended to pressure bleed systems in line with their recommended procedures. The MV6840 includes seven adapters for easy connection to most American. Asian and European models.

    Q: Will the MV6840 push air out of an ABS block without opening the valves?

    A: No. Consult your vehicles service documentation for proper bleeding process and for your ABS.

    Q: Does the air in the top of the reservoir get pushed into the brake lines?

    A: No. As long as the reservoir is appropriately filled before use air will not be pushed into the system.

    Q: Can this be connected to an air source?

    A: No. The MV6840 includes a manual pump and pressure relief. Compressed air is not required.

    Q: Is this product serviceable?

    A: This product is serviceable and repair parts are available as reflected in the product manual.

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